Thursday 7 November 2013

Making Ten!

We have been playing card games and using tens frames to practise our 'make ten' facts. We want to get REALLY fast at recalling these facts so that we don't even have to think about them. One game we know how to play is 'Fish for Ten'. Want to learn how to play? Check in again next week and we will have a tutorial to show you how.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

See 9 - Think 10!

We have been learning to make tidy numbers to help us solve addition problems.

Tidy numbers make it easy to add.

10, 40, 50, 80, 100, 300, 700 and 1000 are some of the tidy numbers that we know.

We notice that they all end with a '0'.

We know that to make a number that ends with a 9 in to a tidy number, we need to add 1 more.
We know that we can make numbers that end with 8 in to a tidy number by adding on 2 more.

Here are some examples:

39 add 1 is 40
89 add one is 90
79 plus 1 is 80
49 + 1 = 50

Monday 12 August 2013

Listen to the 2 x table rap! Join in with the song and practise those two times tables...